The laws of physics are central to brake technology, but you’ve got to put theory into practice when servicing a braking system. This video helps automotive students and trainees build a solid knowledge base in brake diagnosis and repair, from the wonders of ABS technology’s three modes of operation to the nitty-gritty of flaring a brake line.
Illustrating the basic roles of the master cylinder and the brake booster, the video looks at antilock systems, traction control, and the basics of inputs and outputs. Scan tool testing is also illustrated. Then, viewers learn the proper way to bend, cut, flare, and install a brake line, including both double flare and ISO or bubble flare techniques, as well as how to troubleshoot brake hose problems.
33 mins.
Correlates to ASE and NATEF standards.
A viewable/printable instructor’s guide containing an ASE/NATEF task correlation checklist is available online.
A part of the Braking Systems ASE Certification Series.
Instructional DVDs, Videos and Software are nonreturnable.