Foster vital thinking skills with fascinating and fun Cubelets that nurture students' imagination, creativity, and inventive spirit while introducing them to robotics, STEM, and computational thinking. The Boundless Builder pack has a little bit of everything. You get access to a full set of Cubelets for the best experience. Inside each Cubelet is part of a program. As you build the robot, you build the code that controls the robot's behavior. Each Cubelet has a special function and belongs to one of three categories: SENSE Cubelets take in information from the robot’s environment. THINK Cubelets compute and change that information, and ACT Cubelets turn that information into physical action. Magnetic faces make the Cubelets easy to snap together and pull apart. Yellow brick adapters can connect to LEGO or other brick building blocks.
Learning at Every Age
Age 4+: basic robotics, cause and effect, gross motor skills, speaking and questioning, sorting, sequencing.
Age 7+: computational thinking, critical thinking, basic design and engineering, basic networking, collaboration skills, pattern recognition.
Age 10+: basic computer science, smarter coding, parallel programming, systems thinking, complexity basics, design thinking, networks, abstraction.
Resources for Teachers
Every pack includes access to free lesson plans, printable activity cards, online professional development, and more. A printed lesson bundle includes grade-banded lesson book with 13 standards-aligned lesson plans, Cubelets activity cards for working with small groups, Cubelets magnets for modeling and diagramming, student flashlights for helping with brightness investigation, and an anchoring chart.
Ages: 4+
Supports: 1 student group (3-5 students per group)
Brightness Cubelet (1)
Distance Cubelet (2)
Temperature Cubelet (1)
Knob Cubelet (1)
Battery Cubelet (1)
Inverse Cubelet (1)
Maximum Cubelet (1)
Minimum Cubelet (1)
Passive Cubelet (1)
Blocker Cubelet (1)
Threshold Cubelet (1)
Bar Graph Cubelet (1)
Speaker Cubelet (1)
Flashlight Cubelet (1)
Drive Cubelet (2)
Rotate Cubelet (2)
Brick Adapters (4)
Cubelets Container (1)
Micro-USB Charging Cable (1)