Finger Brake is used to form and duplicate boxes, pans, angles, channels, flanges, and "V's" out of sheet metal – up to 16 gauge mild steel. The operator can easily adjust for material thickness, and use adjustable stops to control bend angle. Box finger segments enable the operator to form boxes from 3/4" up to the full width of the machine in increments as small as 1/4".
Maximum capacity: 16 ga. mild steel
Maximum forming width: 24"
Clearance through top opening: 1"
Maximum depth of box or pan: 3"
Minimum reverse bend: 1/4"
Maximum angle bend (one operation): 135°
Maximum back gauge adjustment: 24"
Weight: 350 lbs.
2 each Zero radius fingers: 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 3", 6"
Adjustable stops – control bend angle
Quik-set micrometer back gauge – adjustment 0" to 24"